

Petitions are only a first step toward building power, but signing these adds weight to their demands. Petition · Cancel rent and mortgage payments during Covid-19 Moratoire québécois sur les loyers maintenant! Aucune éviction, ni maintenant ni plus tard

ACORN Canada: Urgent Action: Eviction Freeze, Rent Flexibility, EI for All, Loan Payment Freeze.

LeadNow: PM Trudeau and Premiers: Freeze rent, evictions and utility payments during COVID-19

Federation of Metro Tenants’ Associations (Toronto): Enact legislation stopping the payment of rent on April 1st for all residential tenants in Ontario!

Vancouver Tenants Union: I Can’t Make Rent on April 1st!

BC Ecosocialists: Petition: Governments Must Suspend Rent, Mortgage Payments, and Evictions Suspend rent and mortgage payments

An independent list: Cancel Rent Day in BC